Did this ever happen to you?

I heard a program about all the galaxies in a patch of sky. Some seen with a powerful microscope were billions of light years away, and the light from them you see, is billions of years old. I was thinking about the galaxies and could feel healing energy from them. Someone said; there are planets where people are free. I stopped thinking about them, though, because I thought I would float off to another galaxy.


Yes when I think of other galaxies I leave this earth and imagine what a better planet then earth would be like.


I like dreaming about being in space and traveling to other galaxies.


I’m too afraid of the cosmic void. Such emptiness and such cold and such dark.
I wouldn’t last a week in outer space.

But if they ever invent a teleporting device, after terraforming Mars or setting foot on other life-supporting planets, then count me in.

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