Ok, I hope you can taper it down. It’s a strong med and it’s addictive. Initially anxiety can get worse. Ride it through!
I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I take paxil for it but it doesn’t work. I hate it but I refuse Benzos, I don’t want to become dependant nor addicted.
Go slow! Benzo’s are hard to let go of and our other meds can lower your seizure threshold. I came off xanax suddenly years ago and had a gran mal. Never good waking up in the back of an ambulance. Taper down slowly.
Yes, that is key. When I was tapering off clonazepam 2 years ago, near the end I was breaking my pills up into little crumbs, they had no therapeutic value but they prevented withdrawal symptoms. When I finally quit I was taking such a tiny amount each day that the withdrawals only lasted 3 weeks and were fairly mild compared to some of the stories I have read on the Internet.
I am now back on clonazepam for insomnia so if that ever resolves itself I am going to have to slowly taper down and go through the whole process all over again.
When i did my taper (under pdoc supervision) I was prescribed the liquid version of my med. I was able to taper much more slowly that way, and step up again when i needed to. It was much better than and other taper I have ever tried, and I did not have bad withdrawal effects.
Just be careful.
Don’t get stubborn and tell them to get bent once things don’t go to your liking. There’s A LOT of pressure on the mental health services these days and they are doing their best.
Also, admitting fault (as in, that you’ve been difficult, etc) is not apologising.
In previous appointments every time I said something. He just says sorry
Very annoying
Me admitting I have been a ■■■■ is by way of asking what the actual ■■■■ is wrong with me as I can’t explain my behaviour and inconsistent ways of dealing with then