what to do when life lacks depth?
It feels like it has always been like this, and I wonder if it is a basic fact of reality?
in the past i would do things more radical to at least mimic a ride, play video games, drugs, eat ice cream.
You know, dopamine stuff.
But that stuff is boring to me now aswell. Adhedonia comes to mind.
The thing that kind of interests me is spiritual stuff - transformation, I guess to change my body so I can experience real joy. Something tangible. Though as of late my meditations have been bland as well. To me if I don’t feel anything, it’s useless.
I can pretend to like stuff, I can get busy and wear my body with meaningless work. But to me meaning comes with connection, and if i can’t establish a connection on a soul felt level I feel like I am basically wasting my time.
I am 27, and there is nothing else that comes to mind of what to do with my life, no other goals or interest apart from wanting to establish this connection, that is if it exists and reality is not just total ■■■■■■■■.
i know people frown upon drugs, but if its the only way for some people to connect on a meaningful level, i think we should all be taking them
Can’t imagine exactly what that level would be on…
Personally I find a lot of connection and meaning to life when I am able to help those in need, like giving an elderly lady a ride home from a store (that was last night-it ended up a pretty special thing) or the night before, leading another older lady in the right direction from the store to the freeway.
Sometimes in the grocery store I will get things off the shelf for people, one time I helped a woman in a wheel chair who was having a hard time getting items off the shelf and in the frozen food section, I offered to help her finish her shopping and put her items in her car too, gave me a good feeling all day.
There are always people who could use a quick hand if you are aware of the limitations that come with age and handicaps. I’ve made many friends out of total strangers just by offering a bit of assistance, maybe you could too?
that sounds like a good idea csummers. For me I will help people in the moment if the occasion arises and I see that I can do something positive. But I don’t think I would go out of my way to help people, say join a volunteering thing. As I don’t see the connection and importance to my own life. I feel like people will be ok without me. if there were a need, I would know about it, if it hasn’t made its way to me then as far as I know there is no need. I can’t go around asking people if they need help. If it’s important I would do it, but for me for whatever reason it doesn’t feel important. Maybe because my own life doesn’t seem very important.