Depression is a nightmare

6 weeks or so. 8 weeks ago I became very ill after meddling with dietary supplements. 8 weeks ago I was normal young guy in 20s. I suppose its early for the diagnosis but Im very ill and have been for the past 8 weeks deteriorating, I have suffered so much I cant take anymore. My meds have been changed several times Im on risperidone, was on olanzapine, it looks like I have developed schiz but have not been diagnosed. psych cant get me stable it seems i keep getting worse

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Yeah I’m on Risperidone as well. I like it. You just have to take as prescribed. If you want a change you have to talk to your doctor. I took my meds how I wanted when I was a teenager and it turned out very badly.

You just gota fight through it. It gets a lot better.

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Im just scared of the antidepressant, last time it gave me insomnia and made me manic and psychotic. I wish i had the right diagnosis and meds at the right level and I felt better, made I will have to be hospitalized , but my local hospital is not great so not sure they wanted me in there. Im kind of just so tired of suffering its like being tortured every day with new worse symptoms

this derealization feeling has tipped me over the edge, has anyone had this, is it common symptom of schizophrenia? I think it might be from low serotonin because Im having terrifying nightmares and depressed also


That’s exactly how I feel on antidepressants. I’m not sure what a derealization feeling is. @Ninjastar has experience with antidepressants and probably knows about low serotonin.

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For me the AP dictates everything. I’ve always taken same AD dosage. When I back off my olanzapine so I can be effective at work, eventually I’ll get depressed and hallucinate. When I go back to higher olanzapine dosage I’m fine.


It’s not unusual.

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I don’t have much experience with antidepressants, actually. I’ve tried two, and I reacted so horribly to them that my doctor said never again. I became psychotic, and very manic. I was a danger to myself, because I had no concept of reality.

Every brain is different, and the drugs that work amazingly for one person will be a disaster to another. Talk with your doctor about all of your symptoms. Be brutally honest. And @james180, don’t expect a schizophrenia diagnosis anytime soon. One of the criteria for that diagnosis is that you have to have symptoms for six months, continuously. Doctors are trying to get away from the diagnosis now, anyways, because of the negative stigma. There are dozens of other psychotic disorders that could explain your symptoms, but have a better prognosis.


Depression can be crippling and severe.
Anthony Bourdain took his own life recently because of depression.
The pain was too much and he hung himself.

So sad.


I’d prefer to be depressive than psychotic…


Yeah me too.
Psychosis is scary.
I become a danger towards others when psychotic.


Ive had such bad symptoms so fast its so hard to cope with, and just when you think it settles it gets worse. I dont know what happened to start the derealization but without being crude things got worse after I masterbated last week. If I had known it would have made things so bad, I’ll never masterbate again. I was just scared and I dont know if thats a bad thing to do, Ill never do it again anyway. I dont care if the risperidone causes sexual dysfunction at this point, it might even be better. Maybe it would have happened eventually anyway though. It seems like whatever I do it gets worse, change meds, even having a coffee sent me psychotic twice and I had a seizure.

I really hope things improve for you soon…
Masturbating is not a bad thing to do. Maybe it was shame that made you worse or maybe it was just coincidental.


I feel like I have severe schizophrenia, it seems the only explanation at this point. When my AP comes down I go nuts, and its coming down tomorrow and Im going on lexapro. God help me and my family I fear whats coming next. Eventually I wont be in control of myself. Especially when the insomnia sets in and probably hallucinations. I hallucinated on Zooloft so stopped it myself, now Im so ill I cant barely have a say in my medications. God help me and please pray for me guys

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You are in my thoughts @james180. I really hope it turns out well for you.


than you very much, I joined this forum as I feel other people who suffer this stuff and on these medications are the only ones who get it. My family love me but are at a loss to know what to do

I feel in some ways Im being punished for previous actions Ive taken. It does make me feel shame I do admit that. It seems to effect me badly physically, I had addiction issues in that area before, but I seem to have overcame that for the most part. I wish I had gave it up completely years ago, but Ive been single and Im a young man, without making excuses. If I could turn back the clock Id do it all differently but wouldnt we all. Thanks for your kind words.


Sorry if i hijacked your thread @anon1152203 btw. But I read your post the other day and I was going to jump in as I felt the same. How do you find the AP/AD combo. It hasnt worked for me so far

I don’t know, severe depression means you can barely move in your bed and maybe get also psychotic symptoms. The only good thing is that it get better fairly quickly.


That kind of depression is unlikely to last long at all. For most people, severe depression means something much more normal. And depression does make you think everything is worse than it is, including your functioning.

On the BDI-II test, I was way above the cutoff for severe depression.



Depression can be crippling to the point of no return. But you are right. The word depression is broadly applied on what seems an indiscriminate basis.