Depression and negative symptoms

I wonder if my negative symptoms can be treated by antidepressant. I’m taking agomelatine which is kinda work as new mechanisms treating depression. They say the difference between depression and negative symptoms is sadness, and I think I’m not sad to be diagnosed as depression.

Are you sza? I find that doctors in Korea don’t really dx sza as much as in the foreign countries.

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I got diagnosed paranoid sz. I don’t know much about sza.

I think doctors abroad know more about sza. I’ve never met a single doctor here in Korea who knows about sza.

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Negative symptoms are basically cognitive issues. If you can improve on cognition your negative symptoms also go away. Things which improve cognition include omega 3, phosphatidylserine soy version, dmg etc. Anything which improves working memory helps in reducing negative symptoms. On the other hand anything which worsens working memory increases negative symptoms.

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@cuppabo I often wonder same thing. Even though not depressed … could antidepressants raise my functioning? Pdoc instead going to try TMS but to try not sure it would work. I have BP1 so antidepressants are out of the picture I guess.

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I didn’t know this fact. It is really interesting.

One of my friends tried tms as doctor’s recommendation and he said it was effective. Its effect could last at maximum 6 months I heard.

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@cuppabo that’s awesome. 6 months would be great.
Thank you

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