Delusions of Free Speech Retaliation

When I feel anxious, my most common delusions are about a time 15 to 20 years ago.

At this point most of these delusions could be based on false memories.

I vaguely remember running my mouth on the internet extensively, but extremely carefully under my real name. I vaguely remember saying some things about some organizations that could be interpreted as negative.

I tried to avoid causing damage. I almost never said anything negative about any individual. I talked in backwater corners of the internet, trying to avoid large traffic or fame. I also consciously tried to avoid damaging organizations. I used my real name so that organizations could just ask me to shut up if they wanted to. None ever did. I didn’t have access to any classified information, so no harm was done there. I think I succeeded in avoiding fame, although once a famous author tried to make me famous and I basically ran and hid.

The most common delusion that I often have is that some of those organizations may have a knee-jerk, stupid reaction of retaliating in some way. Hierarchies of humans can be pretty stupid.

In my experience, saying negative things about individuals draws the most retaliation in reality. It is called libel in court sometimes. Negative things about organizations may be retaliated against if it effects stock price or something. Some countries in the world may retaliate for negative things said about them by their citizens or former citizens, but I’ve never said bad things about a country, to my knowledge, or been a citizen of or visitor to a country that retaliates like that.

Anyway, retaliation after 20 years for words typed on the internet? That seems ridiculous. Even if anyone remembered the words for that long, they couldn’t possibly remember all of the relevant context. If they printed a paper copy and kept it in a vault, I still wouldn’t trust that the copy hadn’t been tampered with. There are statutes of limitations on libel in the U.S. for a good reason.

Maybe I should be thankful that my worst delusions are ridiculous fears about retaliation for words 20 years ago, and I never accidentally physically injured anyone.

I think I feel better just typing all of that stuff. Thanks.


Hi @Clint how are u buddy…!!! What are u upto … long time no see…!!! Take care buddy…

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I’m doing ok. Still working full time. How are you?

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Haha i cant work… i just spend my days doing nothing… are u high functional szphrenic…!!!

I guess you could say that I’m high-functioning for a person on antipsychotics, maybe. I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia about 11 years ago, but I don’t think any psychiatrist takes that diagnosis seriously in my case anymore. They think I’m too high functioning on too little medication for too long for that.

My current psychiatrist can’t seem to make up her mind whether I’m just Aspergers or aspergers with some kind of psychotic disorder in addition to that. I guess it doesn’t matter much. I’ve gotten by working full time most of the time for about 5 years now on just 1 mg of Haldol daily. I also went without antipsychotics for about 4 months during that time under the direction of a psychiatrist to treat a swallowing disorder, without any major psychotic incident.

High functioning for a person who was once diagnosed with schizophrenia, I guess.


U just take 1mg haldol right…??? I am on average dose of rispredal 3mg…!! I am very low functioning…!!! And cant work …!!!
Waiting for game changer medicine…!!!

Yes, I’m on just 1 mg of Haldol daily.

I was on 3-6 mg of Invega for a long time (that is pretty similar to risperidal, chemically). A psychiatrist switched me to Haldol because it was cheaper. It worked out much better for me.

My current psychiatrist told me that the older AP’s tend to cause movement disorders. I’ve had a little shaking in my right hand and a swallowing problem for a few months. But, 1 mg of Haldol is such a low dose that I have hope that the movement disorders won’t ever get too terrible. Haldol is so strong as an antipsychotic that my psychiatrist was able to reduce the dose a lot.

One psychiatrist told me that 1 mg of Haldol is often given to hospital patients (not psychotic ones) to help them sleep for short time periods. She thought I should be able to come off of it easily, as they seem to. That didn’t work very well.

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Haha u are going fantastic bro…!!! I want to reduce my antipsychotic to 2 mg untill 1mg…cuz i have only sz … i dont have psychosis…!!!

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