A delusion is a fixed, false belief. The idea is not true, and evidence or proofs to the contrary are not considered. What is stunning to me is to realize that delusions are not limited to us, the people with schizophrenia. There are treatment approaches for our delusions, but I don’t know what we can do about the delusions found in society today.
I contend that there are delusions today in the United States and they can be highly detrimental to our society. They concern election fraud, fake news, global warming, and the covid vaccine.
Yes I think you are right, and there’s many others too.
According to what you said I’m not delusional.
I think ‘normies’ have all kinds of delusions. Media is very convincing. That’s why there is a 24/7 news cycle. I think even the most intuitive individuals can be tricked by media. It’s very convincing.
Conspiracy theories too.
But for us with sz delusions negatively affect our lives while ppl with no sz are not affected.
Don’t forget the Flat Earth LOL
I was going to post something on this, still might. Some detachments from reality are just lies, and the people using them know they are lies, but if you can sow doubt in someone’s mind, even a little, the reality or the point someone is trying to make or whatever becomes less strong. Fake news, and election fraud are examples of sowing doubt. Szs might doubt something real too, but usually they are interpreting reality wrong and cannot doubt their interpretations.
The truth hurts, so blaming others for personal failure is as old as time. Bad decisions lead to bad consequences. It’s that simple.
I ran into some nutter last month who started wearing a mask – not for COVID – but because he was scared that nanobots from vaxxed people would get into his system. That’s some full-on whack-a-doodle-do right there. At least he’s wearing a mask now, so that’s something.
Definitly, if i said any of half whats on news, pdoc would say to up the meds.
Some people in Korea believe that vaccines are microchips or it’s a way to get rid of people. And they’re considered “normal”…I mean, I have psychosis and I don’t think vaccines are microchips.
I want nanobots
I one day tried wearing a hat with aluminum foil to try to block people from reading my mind. It didn’t work though, I still saw evidence that they were reading my mind so I only tried it for that one day since, to me, it did not appear to be working.
Richard Dawkins says if one person believes it it’s a mental illness
If a few believes it it’s a cult
If a mass number amount believes it it’s a religion
Ok let’s not get into a big debate on religion over this quote.
But I assume schizophrenic delusions are more personalized to the individual
Sure believing in a ton of conspiracy theories could be a sign of mental illness
But I’d say schizophrenic delusions effect functioning all the more.
If it becomes to a point you’re paranoid to leave the house. Or you think it’s all about u.
Then it is schizophrenic considered.
But believing in chemtrails isn’t exactly imo make someone schizophrenic. Cuz it’s pretty widespread. More a cultish belief than anything.
Tinfoil hats only work when they’re shiny side out LOL. Don’t give up that easily @Bowens
Personally I am so happy to got out of my jungle of delusions.
A lot of our cultural delusions are fuelled by the pressure to conform. Whatever ideology you’re exposed to can take precedence over individual, logical thinking
The flat earthers are a perfect example
LOL lol lol lol.lol098
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