Delusions in formation

Have you ever caught yourself forming a delusion and stopped it before it got too involved? I’ve been noticing weird beliefs popping up and I keep shooting them down. I don’t know if this is a good sign or a bad sign. Has this happened to you?


I think I have experienced the first stages of a delusion. It never grew bigger cos my meds work fine. I feel paranoid and aliens are watching me. It is not developed delusion


it’s a good sign.
suppress them in the beginning with rationale mind.
keep going on :muscle::+1:


I normally manage to talk myself down after like, 5 minutes or so.

I know rationally nobody is stealing my thoughts or coming to kidnap me, it’s just a matter of reminding myself of that in a convincing way


My mom gets annoyed by it but sometimes I do reality testing with her ask her a few questions on the phone when I feel like that’s about to happen. Usually clears it up before things get bad.

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I think of delusion as a last grasp at something that your life depends upon. Then you never want to let go the rest of your life.

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