Delusional thinking

Hey guys! I have just started on 5 mg olanzapine(zyprexa) and all my weird delusions are gone. I had delusions like someone is taking my energy etc. How long will this medicine continue for delusions and if the medication is stopped will the delusions come back?


Hi rahul welcome to the forum…


Thank you brother

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Where r u from rahul

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From India brother

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Do u work…???

Impossible to say, this varies from one person to the next.

Almost always, yes.

Hopefully it will continue forever. But if you stop the meds they will most definitely almost always come back. I thought i was symptomless but i had a delusion lingering for 6 1/2 years i have finally gotten rid of. Then when i got rid of it i realized that it was a delusion and now I’m free!!

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