Delete my account please

This is my first request.
@Ninjastar @Moonbeam @Bowens @Voithos

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Why do you want to leave?

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Been dealing with some outside issues and been using this website as a distraction from them instead of facing them head on.


i deleted account before too, came back tho

u could always just request a temp ban too of however long, 1, 2, 6 months even

if you do leave, take care.

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Thanks for telling me.

Change of mind, I would like to request a temporary ban of 6 months.

@Voithos @Moonbeam @Ninjastar @Bowens
Edit: I didn’t realize I made a request for termination already for the second time, but I’m still here.

@anon15119022 I just checked your acct and see that you made a first acct anon request back in February. Therefore, I will take this as your second request and will anonymize your acct.