I had a serious breakdown at 15 yo and have struggled through my twentys with undiagnosed mental illness under the radar of mh. Then at 32 yo i got diagnosed with sz . But ive found it hard to accept it
Yeah @anon29983254 i think that’s quite common when it comes to sz. I hope you find your feet
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Thanks you to
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I became sick in 2013. It took two years to end up in the psych ward then I got involuntarily committed and court ordered to take meds and felt a bit better during that time. Then I got out and tried quitting meds a few times because I felt better (because of the meds) and kept ending up back in the psych ward so finally in 2019 I asked one of my psychiatrists for an injection and after a few months I got stable on it and I’ve been stable since then except for a few mood swings months ago.
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