Deep thoughts

What if the impossible actually happened? There’s a witch in our midst. Or a warlock.

Yes, that was :smiley: my favorite thing on Saturday night live.

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I wish there was a video game on this site!!!

I wish there was a (star wars movie character) chewbaca on this site.

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Deep thought, what a good idea.

:fox_face: 1115151515151515

:grinning: :cry: 1515151515

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It does sometimes… they call it hail…

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Deep thoughts, Deeper thoughts, Deepest thoughts, imagine

Deeperer thoughts, Deepererer thoughts, Deepistist thoughts.,blaaaaaaah

Imagine of a cow suffered as much as me, he would committed suicide.

“Deep Thoughts” by somebody

What if I was delusional and thought I was a cow and I ate grass.

I thought I was a dog, I was barking and eating pillows and my bed’s covers lol. My parents called the ambulance. I was psychotic.

Sadly its possible.

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What if the ambulance driver was delusional.

What if The Delusional Ambulance Was Driving The Delusional Driver?.., DEEP THOUGHTS!.

:peace_symbol: :black_heart: :peace_symbol: