Dead inside

I do feel a lot better and did attend Church Last Sunday and will again this Sunday only I have to have a ride to Church if I don’t get a ride then I cant go simple as that. I was driving my car but unfortunately the seat is messed up and it sits too far back from the pedal and I cant Drive it until I get the seat fixed by the people who tore it up to begin with I had some work done on my car and they were careless and reckless in tearing my seat up where it wont go forward or back but just stay in the back position my dad tried fixing but gave up out of frustration. I hope they don’t charge me when it was their fault the seat got tore up it was working fine when I took it to the shop to be fixed so they are responsible for fixing I will be pissed if they charge me to fix my seat. From now on I will sit back and Let God take care of the people who made me Feel dead inside the people who’ve been after me since I dabbled in The Occult in my 20s and early 30s.God can deal with them I wont deal with them anymore I am used to their evil Schemes and Devices I been through them all and seen it all so what have I got to Lose nothing as long as I keep my focus on God and my family I should get through this just fine this situation I am in and still in since I dabbled where I shouldn’t of dabbled. I repent and ask forgiveness for things I have done in my past and not so past. I have hurt a lot of people in my lifetime and vice versa they’ve hurt me back. And continue to do so even though I quit dabbling in the Occult and am more focused on going to Church and making my better than it has ever been I feel such a calm when I go to Church and undescribable peace comes over me as well all my worries and fears Disappear. I will do my best to sit back and watch and let Karma do its job on those who wronged me and keep doing wrongs against me. I used to seek revenge but two wrongs don’t make a right. You always reap what you sow if you do good unto others they will do good unto you and so forth but if you do wrong vice versa you’ll have to pay with a life time or part of your life due to Karma. And believe me Karma will find you it found me and I suffer because of it.