Daughter's Pottery Jug

My daughter took a pottery session and came up with this…what I call…a Picasso-esque milk jug!

I absolutely love it! :slight_smile:


Looks superb ! …

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That’s awesome. Beautiful !

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Um. Your daughter has nice jugs?

[ runs for the hills ]


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I’m always pulling my hair out trying to encourage the girls with their Art. They are so modest and shy when it comes to their abilities.

But they both have that Artsy flair in spades. Maybe when they get older they will come out of their shells more.

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Thats pretty good. Im guessing she spinned it in the wheel?

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Not sure…I’ll have to ask her. I’m assuming so. It was just a one-off pottery session she did with her boyfriend. I thought it turned out great which is why I posted it.

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Very nice!
I like it!


You would never have forgiven me if I passed that up and you know it.


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I absolutely love it!! She did a great job!

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Hahahahahahaha. Too funny!!

I said it was Picasso-esque…just the way the Sun and flowers are painted on the Jug…almost childlike.

My humour test is…if it’s funnier than it is mean…then post it. Your joke bent but didn’t break…making it perfectly acceptable in my world of comedy. :slight_smile:

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That was really good for the first time. Your daughter could make some more and start a small buisness selling them. People buy that stuff at art festivals.


Their artwork @Patrick has posted is also excellent.

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I really like the jug…nicely done…

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