I don’t know how others view dating. But I’ve approached 30 and in my culture girls usually get married very young so being single for me doesn’t look promising. im actually looking for a commitment I don’t have time to waste anymore.
Sometimes I do wish I dated when I was younger. Maybe I take this thing too seriously but I want kids before 35
You’ll find someone, you’re still pretty.
I do feel I am going to end up with someone 5-10 years younger. All guys my age are taken.
They are pumping kids out at the hospital like 4,000 a year. It grows in number like a fibonacci spiral.
Don’t think ill be going on any dates anytime soon.
Voice goes “You know that billboard in the movie man, that was an order you stupid idiot. It wasn’t an invitation that you can just say no to if you want. We’re not kidding, produce you stupid idiot, produce! Wtf is this guy thinking? We can’t be more blatantly obvious than this, get the ■■■■ out the door and have a child you idiot! It was an order! Are you even listening to me right now?!”
You still working?
Im sure you can find somebody. Youre good looking, have a good job and are also very open(at least on this forum). I dont understand why you havent found somebody earlier. perhaps you rejected many opportunities because they were ‘out of step’ with your family?
Well I think you’ll feel that way as long as you limit yourself to the patriarchal tradition with incredibly bigoted views of women’s role and purpose.( and I understand it very well because I’m myself born and raised in that box).
Rise above patriarchy
Edit reasons: some may find it offensive
Smash patriarchy
I mean really @anon80629714, you are so beautiful and smart and I feel so sad to hear you say things like “I don’t have time to waste anymore”.
Which time? Why be a slave? Aren’t you aware enough to ask yourself why do we feel a need to sacrifice for whatever Authority someone has bound us to.?
Its not real. Those rules are not real.
Youre a feminist, right? How would you describe feminism? What is its core dogma, what should feminists, as a community, do to improve the world? (have patience @mods i am not going to flame anybody. i am just curious)
I understand why you want kids before 35, but you have plenty of time for that. In India it may be unusual to wait so long, but haven’t you moved to the UK now? How important is it to you to marry a guy who is also Indian? If you open yourself up to other possibilities, you will have more people to choose from. But definitely don’t sacrifice anything you consider to be essential in a potential partner. I am in favor of pro-feminist guys, myself. I find they treat me with more respect and autonomy.
Its a really complex subject, so many theories, so many points of views…and this is ish’s thread… And I’m not in the mood right now ( i am really sorry, don’t take it personally). We can discuss it in another thread another time.
There are a lot of guys who are single at 30. You’re doing Ok…
Plus… when you marry your going to know what your getting into…
Don’t stress the age thing…
K its fine. perhaps another time.
Yeah I have a cousin, she is 32 now, not married, single, she has a master degree in English, she works and travels, just enjoys her time…Does she face an implicite judgments? Certainly. But does she give a damn if someone ‘feel sorry for her’? Nope. She would explain that it is her life and end of discussion.
good look to you Ish
As far as I am concerned I am DONE with marriage and/or relationships FOR GOOD. I wish i never ever have any relationship anymore.
First one got me to an asylum and is probably making me go there for good. So well, its enough for me.
I only wish I can control my libido. Have to meditate more and more and also to do more social work to take my focus away.
Probably Ill start the Meds, that would definitely take care of that aspect.
ps: I am in a relationship with someone, but lately I have started avoiding her. Just so scared what will happen to me.
These things are never meant for me in the first place.
Yeah I’ve been working at this job a month now.
I don’t mind dating outside my culture but for me it’s my parents approval that matters a lot. They don’t force me to marry someone I don’t like but for me it’s important they accept the person too.