Dating and Schizophrenia

Do you have a brother?

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yeah how come u ask

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You could always say to him youā€™re like a big brother to me, that will turn him off. I was going to say you could tell him he was like the brother you never had.

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I mean Im not exactly top of the food chain. I cant tell if Im falling in love or not or if its just games.

Not sure if this is ok to share, this is something I was introduced to its a sort of new age psychology thingā€¦but I am a ā€œPure Generatorā€ meaning I should wait before I react. I need to learn to work on waiting for things to fall into place before I pre-judge or respond. Its hard with having impulses and people telling me things in my life that arent accurate.

I think internally I like this guy and I will wait to let things fall into place before I rush to judgement or rush into this more without context.

The ā€œPure Generatorā€ is different than the ā€œManifester Generatorā€ I dont make things happen so much and is more common than the Manifest Generator. Generators make up 70% of the population (split between Manifesting Generators and Generators) with Generators being about 35% and Manifesting Generators being the other 35%. Generators have what we call an open and enveloping aura, meaning they are warm and draw you into their energy.

The Manifestor Signature is Peace. Each type has a signature and this is the thing that tells them they are working with their Strategy and Authority and flowing with themselves. Manifestors want peace and privacy, they want to be able to initiate and do what they like without being controlled.

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Iā€™m not going to say it is impossible to date with schizophrenia but it is damn hard. Most women want nothing to do with men who have schizophrenia.

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I went on a date with a girl recently and had mini paranoia attack. No i cant even date

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Honestly I would rather be with a guy who has schizophrenia who is stable though and secureā€¦

I havenā€™t dated in a couple decades. I usually dated women from mental health places like homes I was in or programs. They went OK, nothing special. I hung around a lot of women during my drug days in the late eighties. I wouldnā€™t call it dating but I made a few women friends. IDK, itā€™s kind of weird because in high school I barely said two words to any girls but I partied with all those women and then in AA I was friendly with several women and in the nineties I hung out with my sisters and all their women friends. I think if I would have stopped and gave it much thought I wouldā€™ve freaked out about it and got too self conscious! But I guess I stayed in the moment and I had a lot of good times.



I like and will be alone forever. Thank you.

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I would like to date if I had the energy and if I was working

Iā€™m dating right now. My first time since being diagnosed. I made the tough decision to be honest and up front with my sza and it turns out she has mental illnesses too and can understand very well at least some of what I go through. I guess Iā€™m pretty fortunate to meet someone I can share those difficulties with and get support.


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