Dark day.... tired of acting okay

Lots of symptoms today… going every minute acting like I’m okay. I’m kinda of tired of acting and want to just let my feelings come out. Positive and negative symptoms all day. Just when I thought I was getting better! Crap is getting really hard to fight through! I told myself I wasn’t going to come on here and be negative anymore but today I just can’t help it. I want to talk to someone but there is no one I can call. I honestly just want to drown in my sadness but I know I shouldn’t. I just don’t have no motivation to get myself out of it.


What are your symptoms @Longhorn21?

Positive and negative… depression feeling of loneliness. Then voices and in and out of psychosis

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I’m so sorry. Are you feeling suicidal?

I’m really sorry that you’re feeling like this, @Longhorn21. The nice thing about this forum is that you don’t have to pretend to be okay. We understand.

Today, I’m having problems with depression/loneliness and paranoia. I’m really worried that someone may be in the house, so I’m scared to go downstairs and get the broccoli that I want to eat.

I ended up following asleep… but anxiety today is extremely bad! Like to the point that I can’t focus!

thank you for sharing how you feel, i hope youre feeling better soon. im in a similar spot right now. its okay to be negative. dont worry about filtering your emotions, just be honest about them. i hope your week gets easier!

Thank you, I’m not getting any better if anything it’s slowly getting worse

Try going back to a safe/loved moment in your life. Listen to something that will raise your spirit (inspirational talks on youTube,ted talk, a silly movie or happy music)
Then when your feeling a little stronger figure out why your hurting so you can start healing. It’s not just Sz. It’s hard to work though but it’s hard to sit in so you may as well…

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I hear you. Last night was exactly like this for me, too. Please reach out to any of us if you feel down or having symptoms. You are loved!

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