The officers were staked out at an illegal gathering of people. At that gathering family members were reportedly hugging each other and not keeping a social distance. The year was 2022. The family had a few of the men guarding against the fact they could be arrested for such behavior but the cops were doing their best to avoid detection. Suddenly a cop tripped and yelled leading to the family guards firing on them. After the firefight several were dead. A cop asked his superior why they had to keep doing such terrible things and he said, “One person too close to another means 10 people get the virus. We are actually saving lives here.” All of the family members were arrested including a man dragged away from his dying daughter. These indeed were dangerous times.
Come Again?. (Radiohead 1997).
Really? I didn’t know.
You Didn’t Know What (???)… . …
That Radiohead made such lyrics. I never heard that song and I am being paid nothing for this.
What Lyrics, And What SonggG (???)… . …
…(Your Thots Seem to Be a Blizzard of Confusion Sir)…
You keep typing (Radiohead 1997) like you’re quoting lyrics or something.
Like an Official Stamp of The Times… . …
The bottom line is this is written about my fears of how powerful governments are getting in controlling our lives because of the virus and where it may eventually lead. I did definitely not quote a story or song lyrics on purpose and I apologize if I did. It seems to be dangerous enough to write this as it is so if you want it scrubbed because I violated your work or someone else’s then I’m all in favor of it. Thank you.
I Would Rather Thus Thread to Remain Right Where it is… . …
Remember to Eat Drink And Be Merry Kid’s
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