Damn Those Aussies Know How to Rock!

ac/dc…Men At Work…Midnight Oil…Bee Gees…

Am I missing some other great Australian bands?

@rogueone?.. @Naarai?



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Are you from Australia as well, Pat?

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Yep, northern Australia!

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You can’t go past Powderfinger! And Crowded House (they are technically from New Zealand, but we’ve stolen them as our own).


We’re talking about Australia, right? Who can forget Olivia Newton-John?


Here’s another favourite.

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Another good one is The Divinyls:


Man your country has style…would love to visit there some day…the music, the women, the humour…etc.

If I’m not mistaken, I think Silverchair was also an Australian band as well.


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Not sure of Australian bands mate, im a brit lol. :slight_smile:

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Thought you were an Aussie, Seth! My bad!

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The feeling is mutual. I’d love to visit Canada. I’m from the tropics and have never seen snow.

If you like rain forests and the like we have plenty in northern Aus, but the humidity can be brutal.

The humour here can be a bit blunt if you aren’t used to it, but I suspect you wouldn’t have a problem :grin:.

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In Canada we share the same style of humour as the Brits…I think I could handle the Aussie ‘bluntness’.

When I visited P.E.I. in Eastern Canada years ago, I asked a guy on the street for directions to the nearest Automated Bank Machine. The guy replied…

“Right. There’s a Titless Teller two blocks up the road to your right”

Oh, man I laughed! I’d never heard that one before…or since come to think of it.


@Naarai is Australian? I assumed he was British.


Your right. Im british, south coast :slight_smile:


This song rocks!

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I hear a big Nirvana influence here. Which band came first…Silverchair or Nirvana?

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Nirvana I think.

A new aussie punk band I like
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The living end is a great Australian band.

I’m an ozzy Pom. I was born in England and moved to oz when I was 7 and lived there for 15 years, and I’ve been living back in England the past 15 years.

I do miss the heat.