Damn, life was over today

But, made it to my shrink and on the way home, I stopped at this cool store to mainly pick up some strawberries. They describe themselves as a Farmers Market but it’s all indoors.

They have a good selection and I like to browse their bins. They sell bulk food like chocolate covered almonds or dried Turkish apricots or steel cut oatmeal or flax seeds. They have like 40 bins filled with exotic, varied things. And they have shelves and shelves of fancy chocolate covered everything. And they sell groceries too.

The strawberries are cheaper than any place I normally go like Safeway, Lucky, Nob Hill, or Smart & Final.

Two pounds for $1.98. That’s all I walked in for but I saw they sell blueberries ridiculously cheap too so since they are healthiest fruit for you I got about a pound of those too. Blueberries contain anti-toxidents that prevent cancer. And I bought a hunk of some exotic cheese.

Some lady ahead of me in line was bugging me for some reason, giving me unfriendly looks so I glared at her and made her feel uncomfortable. And there was some friendly teenage girl who seemed nice but I guess she didn’t like me either. Me and the cashier had a nice conversation so screw the first two, I’m crossing both of them off my Christmas card list this year until they shape up and be civil.

My sister gave me a gift card to a restaurant for walking her dog and keeping him company a couple of weeks ago ( I would do it for free but I didn’t want to insult her so I took the card) And I passed the restaurant so I pulled in and now I have a Turkey Club sitting in the refrigerator for dinner later. Today was hard but it turned out to be not that bad. Life just teases me sometimes about whether I’ll make it or not, but I feel up for the challenge.


So what happened to make you say life was over today and why would you send Christmas cards to people you don’t know?

#1: The somewhat recent outlook looks mighty bleak. Maybe kicked out of my apartment, possibly hospital, neighbors are having their way. And worse.
#2: Joke.

Oh ok! I mean it’s nice to send Christmas cards to people but I was just curious how you were doing it.

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I like blackberries a lot. And strawberries too. Don’t care much for blueberries.

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Darn, Nick. I wish there was a way I could help.

Do you have anywhere else you can move to?

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Are you really losing your home? That really sucks. You live in an expensive part of the country.

So, for every good day, one has to say that love hurts.

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My family is the only ones whoever loved me. And now I have just my two sisters. As you get older you get to do fun stuff like make an “advance directive”, some forms filed with your doctor about who should make medical decisions for you if you are so incapacitated that you can’t make them for yourself. Like if you are in a coma or can’t feed yourself or talk or breathe on your own.

Having an “advance directive” is a good idea for all adults, regardless of age.

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nick. so glad you pulled yourself out of tha depression. :smiley::slightly_smiling_face:

also, music is sometimes a good idea when you are feeling down and out.

hugs, judy

Yes, I have an advance directive. I’m well aware that I’m in declining health. I can’t ignore the aging process. The heat wave we’re having now is making me feel quite fragile. I’m glad I’m in a home.

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