Damn, I'm confusing myself

I complain about the people here where I live a lot. But I hate to admit it but these people are pretty interesting. I never grew up hanging out in cool groups. I had my few friends and we were just average folk. Not popular, not unpopular. Not stoners though we smoked a lot of weed. We weren’t jocks, we weren’t geeks. Just average folk. We weren’t members of any groups or cliques.

But now I am getting a free show here about the underbelly of life. I’m not sure if that’s how to put it correctly. But I get to see these people playing their games and screwing each other over and what not. I see the near fights and I get to hear and see crazy stuff every day. I see why people are attracted to that stuff.

I’m too old for that kind of life but it makes for some good drama. And I just figured out tonight that these people accept me for the most part. I guess they are just used to me by now. I hate being victim to some of this stuff but maybe I’ll learn something. Yeah, I hate them sometimes but it’s interesting.

Oh yeah, i gave a 38 year old woman a ride to Wendy’s yesterday because she wanted some ice cream. I didn’t mind, it felt nice to be useful and help these people a little. I mentioned to her something about the beach and she asked if I wanted to go to the beach this Thursday!!

I’m thinking “Cha-ching”. Kidding! (or am I?) No, definitely kidding. I can’t go because that’s the day I move out but I felt flattered to be invited. I guess there’s a positive side to everything negative.


You’re moving out though? I hope you like your next place better.

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It will be physically nicer, probably mentally nicer too. I just regret not taking advantage of some of the positive sides of this place. I was busy with school so I didn’t go enjoy the big back yard as much as I could have. Or the huge TV room.

Cha-ching or not?

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Outlook good

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I wish more folks would get a taste of the underbelly. The folks I grew up around with lived on a cushion and were surrounded by bubble wrap. You walk down a dirty busy city street at night you’ll understand really quickly.

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Damn, even the robots are on my side. I guess it was meant to be, lol.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Do you have any words of wisdom on how 77nick77 can salvage this situation discobot?

@discobot quote

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:left_speech_bubble: Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world. — Arthur Schopenhauer

Cha-ching or not? Addendum.

@discobot fortune

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:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

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I don’t understand this robot thing. It confuses me and quite frankly creeps me out and plays with my mind. I understand how to speak fluent Japanese and Swahili more than I understand what this robot is and how it works.

Can you help Nick understand you?

@discobot advice

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I’m not afraid of you anymore @discobot quote

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:left_speech_bubble: Much wisdom often goes with fewer words. — Sophocles

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