Dad hit Mom

Hitting the head can cause mental disfunction. I now know why my mother used to wonder why she, who graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a Master’s Degree and honors, seemed to be so stupid and nervous. I remember now. Dad used to hit her.


Wow chordy that’s a pretty awful thing to suddenly remember. Hope you’re OK.


I’m surprisingly calm. It’s like I knew it all along.


hugs if that’s ok.

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Domestic abuse was pretty common in my time n place. Glad you can stay calm about it, it can be hard on kids

What was her masters and honours in?

foreign languages.

I grew up and he’s dead.

I had a similar experience remembering something.
My cousins are kind hood rats (((I don’t mean it in a malicious way it’s just who they are I still love them with all my heart)))

But I remember one time having a sleepover with them and one day the police coming to question my cousins and there was a lot of shouting about how they didn’t do anything and they were just watching us and we didn’t have a baby sitter.
They committed a break in and then used me as an alibi

That puts you in a tough place. Did you tell the police the truth or pass?

I didn’t know what was going on at the time
I was 7

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I grew up in low rental housing. There are a lot of things I wish I could unsee

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