Current lowdown

I know you expect more from me so sometimes I have to spend time working on it otherwise its just babbling I have got a working system I think. I purchased 2 more local cheap proxies from a completely different site. The same issue when typed into google search it doesn’t recognize it as the correct country and trying to change google search region doesn’t fix the issue either so the only option and it does work with my firefox installation as it is with good speed is to use the PIA firefox extension.

That gives you that local ip in browsers while you can be doing something completely different elsewhere with a different ip. In that same browser I am using a common cheap dedicated proxy in a container tab so I can do more private stuff in that and still use google and it will be isolated I have put thought into this as through my battles I have observed the necessity for it this is it I hope you are satisfied with my results. :relaxed:

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Tell more i am enthralled! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Umm let me think… I will only use paid proxies because free ones causes huge ineffiency and waste of time that isn’t necessary lets be honest :blush:

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Haha! Good on that

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What are my favourite cheap dedicated proxies sites? The only ones I have had good results with is anonymous-proxies .net and proxy-seller .com. Cheaper than webshare .io for just a few otherwise webshare .io for 250 shared super cheap! Literally all i’ll wind up needing is two US :mask: Chump change for hubby.

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It comes down to the concept of isolation right clearly you have thought about it?

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Yes it does. 1515

What are the numbers?

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Oh them! :joy: Someone here said it was what the cool people did.

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Oh 15 characters i get it

I understand. 1515

The likely conclusion is seeing as I am saving the most money is to use epic browser and tor for that stuff because any dedicated proxy could definitely link back plus why waste that money? But either way 100 or 250 webshare is a no brainer.

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