everyday i wake up in my room and start to panic and cry cause my room seems so unfamiliar and im suffering. my home looks like foreign and every where in my city every house and place i know looks unfamiliar i can not stand this it is the worst thing ever i want to die instead of living in a such a strange houes i can not keep calm i just want to escape from house or everywhere it seems that i do not belong to niwhere i want to die badly
Go to the hospital then. They will look after you.
what can they do for me ? they can take my imagination and comfort of my life and home back? they ■■■■■■ up my life with that unneccessary surgery and know i wonder if they become responsible for that even then will say ok you were crazy before you had mental problem before the surgery
I’m not familiar with your surgery but I can relate to what you are experiencing. Remember that regardless of when you became ill, the fact remains that you are ill and you recognize that.
I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t encounter the same docs either ya know?
Getting to that point of fleeing is scary and typically if you do flee you may end up in hospital anyways. Or worse, jail.
Do you have anyone there with you or a support team?
you scared me to say jail or hospital :’(((
yes i have a perfect family and a supportive bf . i have to say i had laparascopic apandectomy surgery
Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Just speaking from experience. Good to hear you have amazing support! My daughter had that surgery not long ago, no fun.
im just restless and can not sleep no comfort at home i just go out and uni everyday to scape this unfimiliarity am just like a haunted ghost . im not consider as SZ
I hope you find comfort.
Mocking all things shiny-don’t fret.
Why do you think things aren’t the same as before? What would it take resource wise, to change the things that were once familiar? Think it probable?
Where are your things if they are not where they should be? Are they gone for good? Will someone bring them back eventually?
Do you think you need to have your eyes checked by a professional too?
I’m sorry you feel this way. Maybe you could benefit from therapy, if for no other reason than to get out of your room for a little while. You need to find a way to occupy yourself so that you don’t dwell on frightening things. Do you have a tv? Maybe you could do some reading. You have your computer and the internet. Look for sites that can pick you up. There is this female therapist on the internet named Kati Morton. She helps me. Maybe you could look her up at KatiMorton.com.
i checked my eyes before i do not know wht the hell is going with me i can not feel anything even sleep eating day night nothing im just restless in my eyes everything is unfamiliar now