I dreamed tonight that I drank too much alcohol. I was really drunk and then I tried to kill my dog with sleeping pills. I buried him in the yard but in the morning he crawled up out of the hole and wanted breakfast.
Dreams are crazy and scary.
I dreamed tonight that I drank too much alcohol. I was really drunk and then I tried to kill my dog with sleeping pills. I buried him in the yard but in the morning he crawled up out of the hole and wanted breakfast.
Dreams are crazy and scary.
Do you have these dreams just before waking up? My vivid dreams are like that, just before I wake up.
That’s such a coincidence, I’ve been sober 2 years and had a dream about alcohol last night too. I was trying to drink and it just disappeared.
I don’t know. I slept for 15 hours tonight. Don’t know when that dream appeared.
I’ve been sober since feb 15 2010.
In AA, they call a dream about alcohol a ‘free drunk’.
A lot of times, I dream about music right before I wake. And it’s always an original melody that God gives me. I write it down or record it when I get up.
Mine are as i’m falling asleep usually
My nightmares serve as a reason for me to dislike sleep. I frequently dream of the absurd and horrific. Two nights ago, I dreamed my brain was rotten, and someone was using tweezers to pick dead clumps out through my ear. You seriously cannot make this sh*t up.
Oh gosh, I’ve had nightmares comparable to that, believe me!
I dreamed about Fernando last nIght. He was my college love…