Craving certain foods

I live on bread and water for awhile now and i crave meat. Its so difficult becoming a vegetarian. I could eat a whole roast of 1 kg (2,205 pounds). I think with my next pay i will do exactly that.


Mushrooms are meaty… you can try using those in some of ur dishes…


Yes, i can eat mushrooms and maybe get asparagus and olives as well. That will be still cheaper than getting meat.


there are also lots of vegetarian alternatives to meat in the frozen food section of Wal-mart

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Yes, i heard of it, vegetarian sausages. My other friend gave me one to try, its not much difference. Sometimes i wonder how i got so barbaric in the first place.

I’m not a vegetarian but cauliflower wings are just as good as regular.

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Yeah plant based burgers and sausages…

I feel like making a kill to get meat :meat_on_bone:.

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