I was at my sister-in-law’s house yesterday with a mask (but I think that is pointless) but found out that she is covid positive. Now I have no symptoms and was only just exposed but my question is this. I have a doctors appointment at my psych doctor next Wednesday. Do I call ahead and see if I can do an appointment over the phone? I know many of you are much more up-to-date on covid than I am. I am not sure how the doctors offices are handling this and I haven’t been in to see my pdoc in around three months so I need to keep this appointment.
You’re a “close contact” of someone with covid.
You need to ring your psychiatrist’s office and arrange an over the phone meeting. That would be the best thing to do.
Unless you had on an N95 mask, you’re likely to be infected. Omicron goes right through cloth and other paper masks.
Call and let them know you were exposed. By next Wednesday you’re very possibly going to be in the middle of symptoms. You’re probably going to have to reschedule either way.
I got a tele-appointment - they just called back and sent me a link. They were really happy that I called them. Thank you everyone!
I got exposed the options were come out as a republican or democrat but i actually came out as an independent comedian !
@matthewj You should run for an office
No im just a tease i like to tease people im sort of funny im a clown im super nice i really am i have alot of heart
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