Could you have recovered without disability or money from government or others that you are not earning?

I notice some posters on here say they are recovered and also on disability.

I dont think I could be as recovered as I am without the disability.

I still have symptoms, but have tremendous stress to take care of two houses my parents, a dog, three cars, myself as much as I can.

I have a lot of stress to keep all these things well taken care of, but also my parents have let things slide a bit since I relapsed and let me sleep in untill like 5pm today.

If I did not recieve disability I would not have the well bieng I have now and would have to work full time and be responsable for everything else also. I would be close to relapsing or maybe end up in a relapse.

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without disability I would have been homeless years ago. I went to college to be a nursing assistant (got a two year degree in nursing) but after a year as a CNA, I tried to join the army to pay off my student loans, that was where I had my first SZ breakdown. I came home the hospital discharged me from service because my condition met certain ‘safety violations’. its taken me almost four years to find work again.


I recovered without disability, but I inherited 5,000$ from my grandmother while I was homeless. If I didn’t have that I would have remained a homeless drifter flitting from state to state on whim. But with that money, I checked into a hospital and finally got some help. The financial barrier is way more of a problem than it should be in a developed nation.


Thank God for disability. I skimp by on my disability but I would fair a lot better if I was able to stop smoking. cigarettes ruin my finances. i stop tomorrow again but I stop all the time. Not much hope there but I keep trying.

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My parents let me live with them for 18 years while I raised my son. I absolutely would not have been able to manage on my own. That’s the disability I received and I would have broken without it. Some people don’t have parents who can or will do that, but they need help. I was very lucky/blessed.

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were would it come from if one day you found your self with schizophrenia…the streets are a cold place my friend and that’s were your going if your family cant stand you. and your city don’t care, and your funds are so low you cant float your self for the years you cant work.

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No i would not be able to pay rent without disability.

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I get a type of pension on the basis of disability, without that I’d be homeless and that I can’t do as I’m naive and easily used in most cases. I’d need to find some kind of asylum or protection from somebody. I can’t live competetively in this world after my upbringing and all the trauma of various sorts. It was a bit like having a silver spoon shoved up you’re behind or somehing…appologies if that offends.

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Nope, I would probably have died.

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Jukebox, I think you need some king of help, quitting smoking. I don’t know what they have in your area, Hospitals often have classes that give helpful info + structure + tactics. Mental health clinics? Where you get your medicine prescribed?

Look for a quit smoking clinic nearby, maybe would be good. You seem to me to be spinning your wheels in the mud.


I’ve never received any type of disability. I have received some emergency state health insurance that Michigan has, but it’s only really useful for paying for my depo shot so I don’t have to deal with fluctuating hormones on top of everything else. The program doesn’t cover psychiatric medications, pdoc visits, therapy, etc but would cover me if I was hospitalized for a day. So it doesn’t focus on prevention, just crisis, and I never get taken to the hospital anyway even when in crisis.

I do live with my mother, and if it weren’t for that, I probably would have died on the streets a while back.

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if i wasnt receiving benefits i would not be able to survive, i’d still be staying with my mum and relying on her a lot which is not fair on her especially bc she has her own problems she has to deal with.

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I could probably have recovered if I worked, but the time off did me real good.

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I would’ve likely ended up in prison out of desperation

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It took me about fifty tries to quit smoking. Hang in there. You can do it.

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I accepted disability reluctantly and hoped for years to get off of it due to its restrictions. But I literally couldn’t do it because the rules are what they are. But I had a lot of good times since my family helped me out so it could have been worse I guess. Also admittedly the fact the brain is such a complex organ and the research is so new that drugs were the best they can do and the company that made my drug spent over $1 billion on the drug and the lawsuits have also been in the billions along with the capitalist culture the US is it’s understandable that the drugs are so damn expensive. Also I have lived in a part of the country where everyone watches Fox News and would probably be willing to pay just enough taxes to give us just bread and water if they didn’t have anyone in the family so stricken. That’s just the breaks man.

I used to get disability but now my partner supports me and i make money trading foreign exchange my partner saved my life he nursed me back to health and now ive recovered

nope i’d be dead