Could Marmite prevent dementia?

Dr James Pickett, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Society said: "there’s no way to say from this study whether eating Marmite does affect your dementia risk. But the study does give us a deeper understanding of how certain aspects of diet could affect the function of nerve cells in the brain


I love marmite, however, the amount of salt in it means I can’t have it. It has been noted as extremely high in salt. I have a yeast extract that is low in salt instead. It is not quite as good, but tasty all the same.

It is really the B12 supplement that the article relates to, and any diet conscious sz should be having that anyway as a supplement anyway as proved by this article.

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Yes, the magic ingredient seems to be b12.

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Here take a look:


I wish I could take a lot of b vitamins, but they seem to interact with abilify somehow. At least for me. I get a pressure on my chest. I can take a low amount of them.

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The newspaper article reads that only high doses have any effect. Low doses don’t work.

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Yes, I just take a multivitamin now with a small amounts of b vitamins. I wish I could take more but I can’t unfortunately.