Could I have been Injected?

My Father and mother -scums of the earth met me yesterday. I did not intend to meet them. My father was with me for about 1 hour or so. I do not remember that he had injected me. I don’t have much pain in my Butt region or any Injection marks.

Could I have been Injected?.

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No, man, your parents don’t have the knowledge to inject you, they have to be trained health specialists to do so.

Medication for delusional disorder, which you claim to have, has a 50/50 chance of getting rid of this delusion for you, and getting your life back.

From pubmed:

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I feel depressed and feel like I am on Antipsychotics.

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You were not injected. Trust me you would know, I get injected once a month. It’s not something someone would do to you without you noticing.


are you 100% certain?.

Yes I am



Even if you weren’t. I’d be happy if I was. knowing what it’s like after being on meds.
But during the mental illness psychotic episode I didn’t want to get injected at all and was fairly rebellious about it.


I think the same thing… I wish someone was bothered enough with my illness to slip me aps when I needed them.

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you were not injected…
it is a delusion.
know someone cares :heart:
take care :alien:

I think you are just having a very bad joke played by the voices. The pain is tactile hallucination which can be pains (stabbing, tingling, numbness, tingles), heart palpitations, pressure applied and even orgasm without cause… I think it’s just a bad joke being played over and over as this is the topic that is worrying you most.

You need to go back on meds, you said they helped.