Coronavirus has arrived. A few cases within a 2 km/miles radius of me

And so it begins I guess.

I’ve resigned myself to the fact I’m going to get it. Even I can’t avoid the world with all my isolation. It’s like king canute and the tide.

I’m calm about it. I’m worried about elderly relatives though.


I slept like 14 hours or more, then threw up breakfast instantly and have a bit of headache, so not sure what I have yet

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That’s a worry for sure.

Part of me thinks it almost better to get it now before the hospitals become overwhelmed. But if one gets it later maybe there’ll be a treatment for it.

Maybe you should call someone @Mountainman .

I assume you know the symptoms by now but here they are anyway.

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will call in the morning, they don’t want you going to doctor, they drop a self test at the door

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GI issues and nausea are pretty rare symptoms with the Coronavirus.

My cousin lives in northern Italy and everything is shutdown there.

I feel bad for him especially


Uh oh.

Does vitamin C help build immunity to the corona virus?

If it does, rack up on OJ.

Take care.


Please put all coronavirus discussion into existing coronavirus threads to keep the boards from getting clogged.