Corona virus has hit my county

Stepdaughter has just said she’ll do my shopping , as she knows how worried I am . I couldn’t ask for a better stepdaughter .


Same here @firemonkey. We had 8 new cases today with one of them still roaming around in the community infected but probably unaware they are. I’m quite high risk being 65, diabetic, having had severe pneumonia that nearly killed me… But other people particularly those in their 80s have higher risk than me. I like you am worried and concerned for everyone and my loved ones and myself. I’ve been ordering groceries online and having them delivered and plan to continue to do that. Hang in there. All the best…

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Thanks @Unclehenry I’m 63 and in reasonably good , but not outstanding , health . Not diabetic ,not asthmatic , no lung problems , no cancer as far as I am aware .

I hope we can all stay as safe as possible during this health crisis .

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The coronavirus is real conspiracy attractive. I remember AIDS in the 1980s. It was similiar.

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What is disturbing is that there have been several people playing coronavirus related pranks .

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A think tank in Hong Kong estimates 65% of the worlds population will get this.

It said on the TV that this institute is very accurate in their estimations on previous outbreaks of virus etc

What did they say was conspiratorial about AIDS? I’m only asking because it’s been scaring me a little. Do they do this conspiracy stuff often?

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okay 151515151515

I think maybe we are going to buy a few extra basics, vitamins, gatorade, soups, disinfectant, and hand soap so we can care for a loved one at home if needed without going out. I’m trying not to freak out. Time to start boosting immunity. How do I do that?


I can’t share the conspiracy theories here. Its not healthy and to political.

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