Coping with gender dysphoria

Yeaaa when u get ur monthly as a man it can suck :confused:

I’m open-minded, we can chat even if opinions don’t exactly match up.

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I just heard on tv that one child in ten is gender dysphoric. I had no idea there were that many.

Well idk about TV, I feel as though minority representation of real issues surrounding those who are going through stuff or really have mental health issues are used to gain views. So I mean yeaa Idk why there r that many either, but I can’t deny my own ■■■■ just cuz I hear my stuff becoming a trend :joy:

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Remember that “gender dysphoria” is a man-made label, a social construct. Everything in the DSM, with the exception of a few diagnoses, are man-made. Granted, we have a lot of research and clinical experience to back these diagnoses up, but they are still an attempt (a decent one) at pathologizing natural life experiences.

How do you “cure” GD? You don’t. There is no pill. And I’ll respectfully disagree with the contention that genital surgery is always appropriate. While transition can sometimes lead to a good outcome, that isn’t true of everyone. We should not presume to know someone’s best course of health (although doctors are great at doing that). Only the individual can determine their “cure”…if we must use that word (lol). For example, it may be that the “cure” is accepting that one not know “their preferred gender” and therefore have nothing to “transition to” but rather, the “cure” becomes 100% about acceptance of love of self outside of the complications of biology, sex, gender and every other label we create to help us pathologize the human condition.

I think you were really asking for a list though, so: Psychotherapy. Unconditional positive regard. Reassignment surgery. Acceptance/commitment therapy. Existential therapy. Hormone therapy. Cognitive/behavioural therapy. Psychotropics (or some would say, I would not). Psychoanalysis. Feminist therapy.

^ These are just some options that I would present to a patient. It is ultimately YOUR/THEIR journey. The job of healthcare professionals is simply that: to help one pursue their own path to health and peace. (Sometimes the DSM-V can get in the way of that.)


I’ve read that people with gender dysphoria are more prone to suicide. It is a shame that society hasn’t openly accepted people with this. I don’t think it’s an illness. I think people are just born that way. At least homosexuality is not as attacked in the U.S. as it once was. It is still frowned upon in many places but California seems to be more accepting about it. I still think gay people catch a lot of flak throughout their lives, I’d imagine gender dysphoria would be more difficult to live with.

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I hated getting mine, too. Have you looked into a hormonal IUD? I haven’t had a period in almost three years, thanks to mine.


I’m with @Ninjastar with this one. I’m agender and hated getting mine. My IUD stopped mine almost 3 years ago as well.


Yeah. I know the idea of having something with female hormones can be scary, but it stays localized to the uterus. I did experience some mood swings for the first couple months, but then it leveled out. And I actually got slightly darker facial hair, which helps me in my never-ending quest for a bushy beard!


I actually noticed the same! Both my facial and body hair are darker. I am enjoying it immensely. :slight_smile:


It’s so great! I’ve actually started having to shave my face. Well, not having to, but choosing to.


Yea a I mean it’s a big realm revolver around larger dimensions of study. At the end of the day the only cure is to find ways to cope and some ppl might have more resources accessible to them or live in more accepted environments.

But tbh I guess since everyone is quite different I primarily stay away from trans discussions online. I know that there are those who would say they don’t experience dysphoria. If u were to say that it would only be to cope with the fact currently coping with my body as of now. I mean sometimes I’m so busy I can really only afford to think about today and tomorrow lol idk maybe there r others who feel the same.

Yea it’s just kinda more like rich ppl working for media sayin stuff that’s outrageous, and a lot of times they’re actors who just paraphrase with a set narrative on how trans ppl r a problem. They may not even really think this but they get paid to say it soooooo, idk if I only thought about my own happiness I’d prob go against all morals and values ppl if i was all aboutt myself and could somehow not feel remorse.

But I’d say lgbtq+ as a whole experience different realms of problems and judgement then what ppl may consider as one group getting more hate than the other although it does look like that on the surface.
I mean again, environment and individuals r different. There maybe 2 ppl thinking the same things having similar experiences, but one might complain more than the other. I guess that’s not really too much of trans but rather being human :joy:

What is gender dysphoria?

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