I get 100s because they are more bang for the buck and I smoke a lot. Really, though, I make my own most days. Some guy said they look more feminine – the 100s. I don’t care.
Well, I actually use an electronic injector. Paid for itself in less than a month. I buy a lb of tobacco, tubes, and use my machine. Instead of spending 1000 a month, I spend like 60.
Lol, I’m over it. But yeah they still manufacture them… in the states anyway. I’d like to start rolling my own, it would give me something to focus on, and even be slightly meditative.
google says the average price per cigarette in USA is .35 cents. To spend 1000 per month on cigarettes you would have to smoke 2857 cigarettes. 95 cigarettes a day. 4 cigarettes an hour for 24 hours. or 6 cigarettes an hour for 16 hours. one every ten minutes. possible.
Just estimated it. 10 a pack here. 3 packs a day =900 a month. I cut back to 2 packs a day and roll my own. I go through about 2 lbs of tobacco a month at 20 a lb.