Controversial subject

:lock: this topic has been locked

reason; dark sith is trolling again ! :imp:

move away people…
nothing to see here…

dark sith has left the building :european_post_office:

take care people of earth :alien:


Yeah, that topic is taboo in 37 different countries around the world

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I was wondering if you were keeping up on the current news of we people of earth getting to see Pluto much closer now… it’s pretty exciting.

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if you look real close, you can see the snowman i made :snowman:
take care :alien:


If there was a trolling party than i should have been invited :imp:
I am a VIP troll damn it. :crown:

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I dunno , @darksith , I think everyone likes a bit of controversy , its why the tabloid papers sell so much. There are a few users on this site , I’d wager sell a lot of ‘tickets’ in the way of internet traffic. Anyway such is life , glad I’m not a mod…that would suck ass :smile:

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