Congentin for Akathisia

Does it help for the feeling like I’m going to crawl out of my skin?

Cogentin-brand benzatropine reduces the feeling of being plugged into an electric socket for most pts (myself very much included). If that is what “feeling like I’m going to crawl out of my skin” is like, then, very likely “yes.” It is also inexpensive and has few side effects when taken in moderation, though it is, like so many psych meds, anti-cholinergic. So you will need to make sure you drink plenty of clear liquids. Also crucial to understand: Caffeine (actually almost any neurostimulant) works diametrically against benzatropine. If you drink a lot of coffee, it will make the anti-cholinergia worse, as well as reduce the effects of the medication.

So it constipates?

Yes. Pretty severely for some pts.

Well I took Zoloft today and now my head feels like a radio and noises are making voices to me more then usual!!!

If you are bipolar, why would the doc put you on Zoloft? Makes no sense. All anti-D’s that I know of are potentially bad juju for bipolar.