Concerned for someone

I have this colleague in a different department. My other colleagues who work with him complain about him. Unfortunately I said maybe he trying to look busy but as I spoke to him more he just doesn’t seem ok. Should I speak up and tell the manager. Poor guy. When he speaks to me he looks like his eyes red and he’s been crying.

Have you tried asking him if he’s alright?


He’s difficult to talk to. My colleagues say he’s rude. But when I talk to him I don’t understand what he’s saying. He doesn’t do eye contact. Me thinks Asperger’s but I am not a clinican.

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I don’t see how getting him in trouble with management will help him. Is he performing his job?


I don’t want to get him into trouble. I just want management to ask if he’s ok. I’ve heard he’s gonna be let go. I always see him and he looks upset.

Seriously don’t tell his bosses. That’s not something they need to get involved in. Handle it at your level and try to talk to him. He probably has socialization issues so try your best to understand him! :slight_smile:


Maybe jobs are different in the UK, but around here, management would take that as a complaint against him, and he would get in trouble. If he’s already in danger of being let go, you could get him fired. Maybe you should just keep being nice to him and see if that helps. Remember, not everyone expresses gratitude in the same way. He may be very appreciative of you checkling in on him, but just not know how to say so.

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Maybe he looks like he’s about to cry because he knows he’s gonna be let go…I agree with ninjastar that you ought to not get management involved. Just keep being friendly to the poor guy, you might be the only person who talks to him.


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