Concentration vs medication (in-confict)

have you had problems with your eyes?

i have and i think i know why, i think its because we are concentrating really hard on something and this kind of tightens up the muscles in our eyes but at the same time the medication we take is trying to relax our eyes so there is this confict going on between concentrating and relaxing due to meds,

its strange because i concentrate really hard when i drive because obviously there is more to take in but now i cant drive because my med is countering the effects of the high concentrating and it makes me really sleepy, maybe it is a reaction in the brain and not just in my eyes in that instance though you can see how the confict between concentrating and relaxing can be even greater.

this is something i have only just realized and it has been affecting me more and more (maybe i need a med adjustment) lol, idk if anybody else gets this but i am sure it is happening.