Compared to a dog by the Director of Nursing

Director of Nursing: You’ve missed two appointments with the doctor. We aren’t going to prescribe you any more psychiatric medications until you see him at the end of the month.

Me: Ok, I understand. Is there anything I can do to change that?

Director of Nursing: Let me put it like this, if I didn’t take my dog to the vet for six months, then he wouldn’t prescribe anything for it.

Me: Are you comparing me to a dog?

Director of Nursing: Oh no. But if I was, you should be happy. I love my dog. My husband would be thrilled if I compared him to my dog.

Me: So I should be happy you’re comparing me to a dog?

True story from last week detailing my interaction with the Director of Nursing at the Irene Stacy Community Mental Health Clinic.

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Did you ever get an answer so you can get your meds?

I’m glad you got her name… I don’t understand how her not taking her dog to the vet is any where close to you missing an appointment. I’m sorry you had to deal with her.