Communicating Styles

Does anyone of you think about the communicating styles by the other people on the net?
What do you like / dislike?

I have a chip on my shoulder in real lifeā€¦

Maybe Iā€™m impatient but I tend to bring or give dialog to people who are only being passive aggressive/and creatively showing me something is wrong.

I bore easily though and want the talking more than they do apparently.

As a metaphor of something refreshing I was looking forward to a movie project called ā€˜The Duelā€™ bc in duels If you shoot first and foremost, you tend to prevail.

It was being written by Damon and Afleck and they seemingly are great writers.

I think in my affairs Iā€™m getting a lopsided dose of silence being weaponized.

Itā€™s a huge topic thatā€™s why Iā€™m a little all over the place.

Did any of this make sense?

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I really only participate in this forum. I think people here are generally good at communicating, surprisingly so considering the issues people here have.

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I think thereā€™s a bit some truth to it, that people on the nets communicate in a ā€œgameā€ way.
So as an example, people donā€™t see the other people being as human as they see it in themselves.
But if Iā€™d visit some people from the other place, they might also have some bread in their bread-keeping drawer. :wink:

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My biggest pet peeve about forums/social media is when people cant be bothered to present their speech in a decent manner.

People that refuse to use proper spelling and capitalisation are the worst. It really doesnt take long to do and youā€™re making it harder for everyone because youre too lazy to do it yourself.

In terms of actual content I dont approve of the whole idea of ā€œopinion is impliedā€. Its very difficult to debate ideas with people when they state opinions as facts. And generally its a bit of a red flag for me when others do that. Especially if theyre directed towards other people and countering their opinions.

Oh and also one thing I will add - when people use ad hominem as their main response to something you know they donā€™t have a decent argument. Its sometimes even gratifying to receive because their practically admitting youā€™re right.


I think thereā€™s some neck-cutting going on towards the early internet cult.

The most annoying online communication styles for me are found in YouTube comments. The strange habit of quoting a phrase or sentence from the video has always irritated me, partly because Iā€™ve never understood why or how or by whom it was decided that thatā€™s the standard accepted expected form of YouTube commenting.

Years ago I used to comment on YouTube videos, in the form of actually commenting on things in the video and discussing things about it but I soon became disheartened when it became apparent that virtually no other commenters had any interest in truly commenting on things.

And then there is the millennial slang that can be found under most YouTube videos and which I just find childish and annoying. Examples: ā€œI canā€™t even!ā€ ā€œIā€™m dead!ā€ ā€œDying!ā€ ā€œ_____ is my spirit animal!ā€ ā€œ_____ is a mood!ā€

I think itā€™s only natural that different age groups have their own type of slang but for me the tragic thing is when millions of people feel compelled to conform to it in order to fit in with, and be socially accepted by, their peers. This turns masses of people into identical clones in their writing style, instead of people (especially young people) feeling free and confident to write and speak in their own individual preferred way.

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