Colposcopy Thursday

I have a colposcopy this Thursday… I am so nervous.

They might wanna do a biopsy… like take samples but I think I’m gonna tell them to wait till I’m not pregnant anymore…


Try not to worry too much. Will your ob/gyn Dr being doing the colposcopy? You can ask them any questions you have regarding the colposcopy before they get started.

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I assume you mean a “colonoscopy”. I had one a few months ago. The worst part was the preparation with a restricted diet and then an all liquid diet for a couple days. And you have to drink a cleansing preparation liquid.

The actual day of the procedure was easy. I got to the hospital and changed into a gown and they hooked an IV into my arm and wheeled me in to the OR. I remember a couple nurses standing over me and the next thing I know I wake up in another room and it was over. It was that simple; no pain, no discomfort.

@77nick77 A colposcopy is a procedure to closely examine a woman’s cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease. It’s typically recommended after an abnormal Pap test.

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Oops, my mistake.


No worrues. My autocorrect keeps trying to change colposcopy to colonoscopy. Luckily I noticed and changed it back.

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Yeah, I’ll be having a DR at the women’s center doing it…

I plan on asking her about the procedure before it’s done…

I just imagine it’s worse than a Pap smear and those suck

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It takes a little longer than a Pap because they’re looking very closely with a Colposcope which takes time. They may also use this vinegar smelling solution which apparently can make it easier to see any abnormalities. It can sting a little bit when applied but not too bad.

I would guess that, if they see any abnormal looking spots that they would probably delay any biopsies until after you’ve delivered the baby. That would definitely be a question to ask the dr.

In my experience, cervical biopsies are not really painful but there is some bleeding.

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Yeah they mentioned the vinegar solution and the doctor said she might take samples if she sees anything… but I’m gonna ask her to wait till after I deliver the baby.

I read that the cervix can be more sensitive when pregnant too

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Yeah, definitely discuss any concerns with your dr. Try not to get too anxious. I know that’s easier said than done.

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Good luck with your procedure @anon61987434

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Thank you :pray: @Bowens

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