College induction today

yeah, half a day at college and i feel like crap before it even started :confused:

hope this goes well, new people

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Get it done. Don’t think to hard. Good luck.


Always found the more I participated in the discussions with lectures the more I got from any classes and eased the tension. . Makes the time go faster also.


Be more afraid of future regret than anything.

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Or don’t be afraid at all and just “DO IT”

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It’s just about getting through and managing the anxiety
Keep saying positive things to yourself and when you’ve done you’ll feel good

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best to you daydreamer


there will be some good people
you just need to find them


good luck! you should be excited! new experiences.

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thx guys, just thought i’d let you know how i got on,

well i had a mini melt down on monday or tuesday and i had to see my gp and p/doc who prescribed me diazepam, so i took one before i went out today which i think helped but i was a bit stupid, after the college induction was over i went to a bar with a few of the new classmates and i should have taken my new diazepam but i wasnt thinking and neglected to take it, i saw the warning signs but failed to act,

so i managed to leave and get home but my chest pain was and is still bad, i phoned the p/nurse and she said i should take one, so i have. now i am hoping it is going to work but if it doesnt i have to phone back, she thinks it is very high anxiety that is causing it or heightened anxiety,

but on a good note, everything is ready for me starting classes on 31st, i just need to sort out travel expenses and email my senior lecturer my previous pass certificates so he can work out my time table.

just hope these pills help and i am only suppose to take them for a short time :confused: i dont want to get addicted though. idk what i will do if i need them for longer.

thanks for the encouragement btw, it really helped :thumbsup:


i hope it went well :heart:
take care :alien:

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