Coffee corner with Ish

I just seen my pdoc and I did say it but it’s got over powered with more important things sigh.

:frowning: did they adjust meds ? What happened? Only if you want to say :slight_smile:

Yea lol she upped all my meds.

She said I’m not allowed to take benzos again from the addiction point and I respect that as I’ve got to trust my pdoc else treatment will be a waste.

I asked for a stimulant like Ritalin maybe 2 months ago and she freaked out and said never so I’ve just let it go.

I iwbs there was like a natural supplement for concentration

As she has increased meds it might be worth hanging on to see if concentration improves :slight_smile:

Yea she increased zyprexa lithium and the anti depressant.

I’m gonna have a cup of coffee Ish. I like the name of this thread


Hi magic sup.??? Are u about to have breakfast…???or lunch…!!!

I’m about to have lunch

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Going to be tuna mayo sandwiches

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Three hour time difference between nepal vs S.A…!

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Had a lunch of lean cuisine(sriracha beef), equate meal replacement shake and a small salad.

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I’ve only had 3 cups of coffee today. I’m really craving that 4th cup though.

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The 4 th cup ? It’s on me :slightly_smiling_face:

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Awww :slight_smile: thank you!

I’m having it as I type this lol.

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I’m having my third cup of the day. It will probably be my last. There is plenty more time left in the day (coming up on 3:30 p.m. here), but I don’t typically go beyond three cups.


Just finished my sociology midterm - now my weekend can finally start. Gonna take a shower and drink some tea.


Sounds like a plan :slightly_smiling_face:

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What’s up sleepy head?

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It’s 1:15 am I wouldn’t quite call myself a sleepy head :frowning:

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Well I am in bed fighting the urge to sleep so I won’t wake up till 12

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