☕ Coffee Time

6:23 in the morning here in the central US. Got a couple days off of work and I’m about to brew up some coffee.

Work has been going well. Hah… old asian ladies are adorable. I get to work with one. The way she speaks creeps me out because of my symptoms. She speaks in fragments and they seem to be responding to my thoughts at times. At the same time it’s really cool.

Hmmm… So yeah? Who else is on at this hour? Anyone else tossing back a cup of joe?


Lunch time here. Going out for a cup of coffee in a minute

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It’s 2:36PM here. I’m about to have lunch. Seen my pdoc this morning, as usual he told me “you’re doing better than last time” but I already know his fake smile.
It’s been a while since I talked to an Asian, she was from Hong Kong and spoke neat English, but her voice sounded like a duck quacking…


hah wrote a little program just now… only to have it crash and lose the code… it didn’t take long or do much… but damn that kills the motivation.

Code and output… just randomly draws random circles and random pixels… continues to do so until the ESC key is pressed… Qbasic is pretty fun.

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It makes me anxious just looking at it.

hah… my other program just drew up a bunch of pixels that made it look like a star field… then said “Welcome!” in the middle of the screen… had plans beyond that but I tried something that glitched the program out and lost it all… Forget what the emergency end program key is.

I’m going to code up a screen with a character who can walk around… (it’s now 7:04 AM)

Hitting the ESC button repeatedly for no reason and smashing the keyboard when it didn’t do the work…then cursing the tech ■■■■■■■■■■■■ and your internet provider and your ■■■■ life? Wait…that’s not the one?

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Yeah I did that part at least lol

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What should my character look like? It’s going to be drawn in pixels and limited to 256 colors…

maybe I’ll make a turtle who has to collect ■■■■ for some supposed potato god




good morning :coffee:

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turtle-mation part deux

potato god: (not actually alive… I might make the turtle SZ… you can hear his “thoughts” as text displayed at the bottom of the screen… they’ll just be random sz ■■■■■■■■ most of the time as you wander about trying to appease the giant potato established by the mind of a delusional turtle.)

… and I’m going to take a break…

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Blasphemer…lol good work and story…

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hah thanks man


Imagine potato kong jr throwing baby potatoes at mario set in the original donkey kong game…i cant focus long enough to code its all crap like that all day…

Hey nothing wrong with being an idea-man!

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