Clozaril help

Does this medication help you with thought disorder? Disorganized popcorn thoughts? I have it very bad and they think im TR treatment resistance. Abilify has made me worse

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It’s the best medicine there is for schizo but comes with a ton of side effects


Did you stop doing drugs?
This will help you.


But what im asking i cannot find that it helps with that.

Nothing will help you if you’re doing drugs. I though I was stable on meds until I smoked weed. Weed broke through my meds and I had a worse and a more violent psychosis than without meds. I had catatonia after the agitated and violent phase.

Since when did i say i was using drugs?

If not then nothing can really be done, there is nothing that helps cognitive symptoms. I have 2 friends twins both schizophrenic with thought disorder, they can’t communicate properly and meds don’t help them.


They have disorganized behavior too.

I take clozapine and it takes away all positive symptoms plus it helps me think clearly

What was you thinking like previously? I havent been thinking straight for like a year

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Having lots of suicidel thoughts,also lustful images. Had very negative thoughts about me as a person. Now my mind is clear.

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Clozapine caused bed wetting, drooling, high amnesia, weight gain, erectile and sexual dysfunction at me.its not bad medicine though.i would give 4/10 stars

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What about thought disorder? Like disorganized thoughts

Yes it helps with the jumbled thoughts.

I’m sorry @LovelyCreature
I misunderstood

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Oh wow thats alot of side effects dear.

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Yes those are common side effects of clozapine.i would prefer risperdal instead.

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I did talk about in past posts. My apologies.

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