Clocks go back in U.K. tonight

Will be dark at like 5pm from now on


I’m happy for this. I want to start early morning walking. I like the dark nights. I do like the summers but I like the nights better, I’m less paranoid in the dark, if this makes sense?

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They also go back in Israel.


so if i live in hst and my classes are in est does that mean they go back as well?

Not sure about the USA @gcar

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Cool, so I guess I’m a TimeLord. Where’s my Tardis?

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J Bob!!

Are you pulling an all nighter tonight?

Sweet movie #minuteman

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1 hour back in Greece 2:)


I love the early dark nights. Always have done. Im often on the beach in the early hours at night when i cant sleep, with a coffee and a cig, taunting the seagulls lol.

My sisters the same. She loves winter too. Poor mum gets depressed about it tho - cos she likes to sit in the garden and admire her roses.

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