Clean mind

I am learning to clean the gutter that is my mind. So much stuff that was out of wak, perverted and messed up that I realised I don’t need in my vocabulary and mind. Though my pastor did’nt get me full on religious, he was right about the dangers of having a jacked up perverted mind, thoughts, words, and actions.


Good job Kenny!!! I am inspired. :wink:


Thanks, I just had to vent what my current experience is right now.


You’ll probably be wiser in the long run for it… those that are sheltered and ignorant from the get go… they have to protect their sanity… that’s why the world is so slow to change

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And how did you clean your mind?

Baby wipes.151515

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Cool, any specific brand?

Cause I tried opening my skull and cleaning my brain, it didn’t work. So maybe switching it off and on again will work?

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Jk. Just try to not say ■■■■ and or think ■■■■ or simple stuff like that, or trying to come up with perverted stuff in your head on purpose.

I think quitting porn is also a good way to clean my mind. Cause porn is as dirty and perverted as politics in my opinion.

turning the thoughts around does help turn the actions around too…

Good luck :v: