Chris Rock liked a tweet of mine

What celebrities have liked your tweets?


Barack Obama liked one of my cousins tweets as he is heavily involved in scouts. I don’t have many followers on twitter or really use it anymore

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I really can’t be asked with twitter. I was using it for celebrity stuff but it got exhausting.

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Stars, the band, responded to a FB message of mine.

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My fave hip hop producer follows me on Instagram :slightly_smiling_face:

I also once got a message from another well-respected hip hop producer on Insta, but he was actually kind of a creep so I unfollowed him :upside_down_face:

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I once got a fb response on a comment from James Van Praagh (the medium)

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My Mom liked one of my Facebook posts years ago.


Chelsea Handler replied to one of my FB comments before.

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The country singer Hank Williams Jr followed me for awhile but it was probably not really him. Also someone impersonating Beck follows me too. lol I try to say things to Stephen King but he never replies and I cannot even get one like. lol

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