Chinese Mummy That Aged 300 Years In A Day (Trigger Warning)

So. . .

It Is Strange. It Is Unusual. It Is It Is Abnormal. It Is Curious. It Is Surprising. What Reality Can Bring.

‘The Mans Face Was Almost Normal…’~ Xiangcheng

(Published October 2013)

P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.

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I’d suspect a chemical reaction from the embalming process and thus the investigation by the experts. They did weird stuff back then for preserving bodies. I don’t find it anything unusual.

Hmm. . .

I Find It Slightly Unusual That A Preserved Corpse Can Travel At The Speed Of 300 Years In 24 Hours. .

Therefore, Your Unusual Reaction To The Unusual, Seems Unusual To Me. . . . . . .

P.s. Hope, Truth, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.

Chemicals do weird things to a body that is supposed to decay. Oxygen is a seriously caustic substance in some scenarios. Chemistry is an interesting science and I’d imagine they’ll sort out why it happens especially these days when they can figure out what compounds are present.

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