Changed my sexuality.. is that possible? or is that really me

My best friend growing up turned out to be lesbian. At first I was critical of her choice but then I accepted it and now I’m not judgmental anymore. Everyone has a choice. Myself I’ve always been straight and I’m married now but my sza and AP’S cause me to lean towards being asexual. I dress like a woman in hijab as well but I love short hair on women and long hair on men. But my sexual interests are virtually nil.

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I’m an Arab and I know what you mean. When I came out, most of my family stopped talking to me. It is very frowned upon in our culture. But the only way for the world to change is for people like you to step up and be kind to our gay brothers and sisters.

@Jordanabc sexuality can be fluid, and gradually shift over time. I think most people aren’t 100% gay or straight, but somewhere in the middle. It’s just that, in the past, we were only presented with two choices. So most people just stuck to dating the gender they liked most. Now, it’s more acceptable for people to like multiple genders, so more people are starting to recognize that side of themselves.


I am asexual. I might opt for a sex free homosexual relationship one day, because my compatibility with
males is indeed much better than my compatibility with females.

wow i feel the exact same way about having to look at females to be in the mood. but i still like doing it with him and it’s great but thinking about a man doesn’t turn me on anymore

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